deadsecCTF 2023

Posted on May 22, 2023

Dont’ hack my website

My Attempt

echo & head both work with no spaces, id, whoami

Running df will show us

Filesystem     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
overlay         98831908 6164312  92651212   7% /
/dev/sda1       98831908 6164312  92651212   7% /flag.txt
none                4096       0      4096   0% /tmp
none                4096       0      4096   0% /run

Anything containing flag.txt won’t work.


fl b=ag c=.t d=xt

fl ag .t xt

Somehow strip out the whitespace????

Finished Solve Via Write-Ups

I read afterward that you can use c``at fl``ag.txt to properly format the so you can get around the flag check. In a similar vein, the output also can’t have the flag in plaintext. I saw some solutions that used |base64 or |rev to ensure that the output didn’t contain any unwated chars.