A place for write-ups and other codebased information!

irisCTF babyseek

Oh no, ya didn't use Full RELRO... RIP GOT.
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irisCTF ret2libm

ret2libc but someone added this libm thing... What is that?
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Telegram Bot for GitHub Actions

Make a Telegram bot with Node.js and use it with GitHub Actions for sending notifications to you about the repo.
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Primer: When You Have Too Much to Do

You have a to-do list that scrolls on for days. You are managing multiple projects, getting lots of email and messages on different messaging systems, managing finances and personal health habits and so much more.
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Getting Started with Traveling Ultralight

Start by getting a small backpack (less than 20 liters) and then just travel with what fits in that.
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How to test dark mode?

Here is how you can setup dark mode for Ink and test on various OS like iOS, Android, macOS and Windows 10.…
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Lid est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expeditasi distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihilse impedit quo minus id quod amets untra dolor amet sad. Sed ut perspser iciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laste. Dolores sadips ipsums sits. Heading 1 Lid est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expeditasi distinctio.…
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How I Learned to Stop Procrastinating, & Love Letting Go

The art of letting go.
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Fearlessness: How to Stop Running from Space

We spend our days filling in every available space, cramming in more tasks, responding to messages, checking social media and online sites, watching videos. We are afraid of empty space in our lives. The result is often a continual busyness, constant distraction and avoidance, lack of focus, lack of satisfaction with our lives. We run from silence. We run from the spaces between tasks and appointments. We run from solitude and stillness.…
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